LIP Settlement Strategy


Sarnia-Lambton LIP Settlement Strategy

In 2010, various stakeholders (e.g. immigrants, newcomers, employers and services providers) were consulted through surveys, focus groups, interviews, and community meetings in order to complete the following objectives:

  • Record what services and supports already exist in Sarnia-Lambton for immigrants and newcomers
  • Identify gaps in service and barriers that prevent immigrants and newcomers from participating fully in the community
  • Identify barriers and challenges that prevent service providers from supporting immigrants and newcomers in a more comprehensive way
  • Identify barriers and challenges that prevent employers from hiring and retaining immigrant and newcomer employees
  • Provide solutions to overcome these barriers

The findings from these consultations provided the foundation for the LIP Settlement Strategy, a community-wide plan to help immigrants and newcomers participate, both socially and economically, in Sarnia-Lambton. The Settlement Strategy includes 12 strategies organized under 5 priority areas of focus. The complete Settlement Strategy is available in English and French on the Resources & Publications page.


To learn more about how these strategies are being implemented in our community visit the LIP Implementation Plan page or click on each of the priority areas of focus to go directly to their individual pages.