Find a Doctor

Finding a family doctor is an important part of settling into your community. You can find a doctor locally on your own by checking with organizations that keep a current list of doctors accepting new patients and then contacting one of the doctors that is listed. In Sarnia-Lambton the following group maintains doctor lists:

If you are unable to find a doctor on your own, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care offers a program called Health Care Connect. Health Care Connect helps Ontarians who are without a family health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) to find one by connecting you with a doctor who is accepting new patients in Sarnia-Lambton.  You can register with Health Care Connect by telephone or online.

If you are still having difficulties finding a family doctor, there may be other options for you to check out such as a Community Health Centre or a Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic.  See our Health Care Options page for more information.

Medical Exam Requirements for Canada Permanent Resident Applicants

Permanent or temporary resident applicants may be required to undergo a medical exam. The medical exam must be completed by a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP) authorized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The DMP for Sarnia-Lambton is:

John Bartlett
481 London Road
Sarnia, ON
Tel: 519-344-1121

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